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Messages of hope

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Messages of hope Greeting Cards

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Chronic Pain eBook

Watch, read and discuss the hope filled messages in times of suffering. Order here.

Messages of hope Christmas Cards

A variety of hope-filled cards for Christmas, with inspiring quotes and greeting. Click here to view and order.

Bible On Trial

Check out how the Bible has withstood intense scrutiny from critics and cynics alike in The Bible On Trial: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

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Enjoy the free activities such as online calendars for Christmas and Easter, colouring-in pages, videos and much more for children and families.

Messages of hope

At Messages of hope you can watch videos, listen to podcasts and read booklets on may topics such as grief, anxiety, and loneliness.

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About Us

Lutheran Media reaches out to people through media to bring them hope.


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Messages of hope is broadcast on over 40 radio stations across more than 1200 frequencies and thousands engage with our social media. You can find Messages of hope on YouTube, iTunes and Spotify too.


Listening Audience

Through Messages of hope, millions of people around Australia, New Zealand and the world are being inspired with hope.

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What Listeners Say

Thank you all for the wonderful mission work you all do at Lutheran Media. Thank you also for the booklet on Loneliness, which I will give to a friend who has suffered from loneliness for many years, feeling rejection by many including her family. We meet weekly for coffee and a chat and I feel sure this booklet will help her. So thank you again and may our Lord continue to bless the work of Lutheran Media and all of you.
This man understands what God meant marriage to be. I won’t be married any time soon since I’m still a teenager, but I want to have the true love that God gave this man. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
I can relate to what you are feeling because I’m going through the exact same thing with my wife of 51 years. She can do nothing at all anymore , she doesn’t talk or dress herself or anything else. I can’t bring myself to think about a home away from me. I felt your pain as you talked about your lives together as it was quite similar to our lives and I can’t imagine life without her in it. I ask each day for the Lord to just give me one day at a time because that’s all I can handle and I can’t even do that without him to guide my every step. I sometimes set quietly crying as I watch her sleep knowing that that’s when she is the most peaceful and I know that that is really the best for her but it leaves a huge hole in my heart ️ where she once lived. God bless you and all that are living with this awful condition.
I have been on a similar journey with my wife. Your story gives me strength. Thank you.

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